Terveet Kädet - Ääretön Joulu EP (1982)
The Eurovision Song Contest 2007 is held here in Finland and the finals are today. Basically, it means a lot of crappy music. Anyways, to save my day, and yours too, I decided to upload one of my favorite records ever, the Ääretön Joulu EP by the legendary Terveet Kädet. Seriously, this is right up there with the best of 'em.
"With this release, T.KADET come of age and prove they're among the world's best hardcore bands. This well-produced record has everything--ultra tight thrash power, join in choruses, and lead vocals so demented they make the MEAT PUPPETS sound like the BEE GEES. The hottest punk EP released thus far this year, really."
-Jeff Bale, from MRR, 1982
Pissaa Ja Paskaa
Onnellisia Kytkentöjä
Musta Jumala
Outo Maa
Tornion Kevät
yeah, I love this EP as well. Actually all TK´s stuff until 1984 is great. But I have to say my favourite finnish EP is LAMA´s 3rd EP from 1981. Together with BLACK FLAG´s "six pack" EP it is the best HC release from 1981 (for me)...
all terveet kadet stuff is EXCELLENT, even the newer stuff -its all in the drums
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