
6.12.2006 Independence day

Yeah! For the 89th time we celebrate our freedom, and it`s a holiday so I finally have some spare time to post something here. "Something" meaning a song by Mellakka called "Itsenäisyyspäivä" (which is finnish for independence day). So, pretty unimaginative to choose this song, but it`s a rocking little hc-tune. Like most of the stuff written in the 80`s hc- era, this song isn`t the most patriotic but it`s INDEPENDENCE DAY! Eat it, Russians. All we need now is Karelia back... sorry, goin` off topic. Enjoy the tune while I`ll go and fetch my guns and start my one-man operation. Don`t tell anyone!

Mellakka - Itsenäisyyspäivä


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